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Community Requirements




  • Must own a full, legal copy of Grand Theft Auto V for Xbox One. 

  • Must be 14 years of age on the day you apply. - NO EXCEPTIONS  (People that are caught lying about their age will lose their chance at reapplying in the future)

  • Must have a working, clear sounding, headset

  • Must fully understand English and be able to speak English as well.

  • Must show respect to both players and staff/administrators at all times!

  • Members of OSRP must not be in any other roleplay communities 


  • The Administration/Head Administration have the right to remove a member from OSRP if they do not hold up to the community standards. 

  • Lying or false information provided on your application or in your interview may result in a permanent denial/removal from the community.

  • You must agree to be recorded during any event held by OSRP staff members.

  • Must gain permission from administration to record the events.

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